Weapons and Boondocking

Learn about weapons and boondocking, including shooting guns on public land, carrying firearms in your RV, gun laws and regulations for camping.


Can I Have a Firearm In My Camper While Traveling Through Different States?

Yes, you are allowed to have a firearm in your camper while traveling through different states. There is a federal law called, Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986, or also known as, "The Peaceable Journey Law", which grants...


Can I Shoot My Gun on Public Lands?

Discharging firearms on federal lands can be legal or illegal depending on the jurisdiction. If you're looking for a place for RV boondocking where you can freely shoot your guns, be aware of what federal administrative authority...


Do I Need a Gun to Protect Myself When Boondocking?

Yes, you should always have a gun to protect yourself when boondocking. Not that boondocking is more dangerous, in fact it's not. But, you should never take the attitude that you're safe and don't need protection. Boondocking on BLM lands...