Map of BLM Land in New York
There is no map of BLM land in New York. However, the BLM does maintain an "Eastern States" office that covers all areas east of the Mississippi River. But this office manages all of United States' sub-surface mineral rights (oil, gas, etc). This office also manages auctions of livestock and other properties gathered or seized from western states.
A Guide to Boondocking in New York
Boondocking in New York! Boondocking in New York is largely limited to the tiny Finger Lakes National Forest located in the central part of the state. Dispersed camping is not allowed in the Adirondacks or Catskills, though there are limited free camping opportunities in New York’s state forest system. You may also find some dispersed ... Read more
Map of New York Thruway Service Areas
This map of New York Thruway Service Areas was compiled from information obtained from the New York State Thruway Authority. This map is recompiled periodically to keep it up to date.
Finger Lakes National Forest Camping Rules
Rules for camping at Finger Lakes National Forest were established by the U.S Forest Service published in Forest Orders, the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, and documents issued by Finger Lakes National Forest...
Is Dispersed Camping Allowed in the New York State Forest System?
Dispersed camping is allowed in the New York state forest system if you're a hiker with a tent. But if your goal is to boondock in your vehicle on state forest lands, it's practically impossible to do while adhering to laws...
New York State Rest Area Rules
How long can you stay at a New York rest area? Is overnight parking allowed at a New York rest area? Can you sleep in your car? Is camping allowed? What are the full New York rest area rules?
New York Rest Area Map
This map marks the locations of rest areas, parking areas, text spots, scenic overlooks, and service areas operated by the New York State Department of Transportation and the New York State Thruway Authority...